The goal of an art provocation is to take a person out of their routine. An art provocation disrupts the usual swing of things and ask participants to question their limitations and beliefs. It is a search for new meanings, by way of doubt and paradox.
Benefits for the business:
Length of an art provocation: 5 hours.
It’s a daily challenge for any leader to handle fluctuations brought on by constant chaos. Using abstractions, we learn to see permanence and order in chaos.
Abstraction assists in developing:
“Participating in an art provocation, working with art, and penetrating to the core of artistic and creative processes develops management skills by establishing a playing field for research and self-knowledge, one’s behavioral patterns, and one’s emotional reaction to the emergence of management challenges.”
Let’s create like the constructivist avant-garde!
Goal: Developing technical creativity, teamwork, and the search for common goals.
This activity helps participants learn to:
Dada-style collage offers opportunities for experimentation and challenges. The ability to ask provocative questions helps find connections between various objects, meanings, and tasks for seeking new solutions. This activity shapes a new view of oneself and the organization.